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   深圳市裕兴电子有限公司位于全国著名的电子工业聚集地的珠江三角洲---深圳市宝安区。自成立以来,经过多年来的不断发展、壮大,现已成为大规模的现代化工厂。企业通过并贯彻执行ISO9001:2000国际质量标准体系认证。 Shenzhen Yuxing Electronic Co., Ltd. is located in the famous national electronics industry gathered in the Pearl River Delta - Shenzhen City, Baoan District. Since its inception, after many years of continuous development, expansion, has now become a large-scale modern factory. 企业通过并贯彻执行ISO9001:2000国际质量标准体系认证。 Enterprise adoption and implementation of the ISO9001:2000 international quality standard system certification.
从产品的开发、设计、材料的选用、产品生产到市场推广,信息收集与反馈以及售后服务等方面,都严格执行程序化管理,完善的售后服务详尽的解决了经销商及消费者对产品的质量等方面的要求,做到让广大消费者无任何后顾之忧。中国成功加入世界贸易组织---WTO后,企业更加洞悉市场捷足先登,一举将产品先后打入国际市场。 From product development, design, material selection, production to marketing, information collection and feedback and after sale service, strict process management, perfect after sale service to resolve a detailed dealers and consumers to the product quality, make the vast number of consumers without any menace from the "rear". The success of China's accession to the World Trade Organization ---WTO, enterprises more insight into the market the early bird catches, in one fell swoop products have entered the international market  在“中国国家强制性产品认证-3C”后,企业又凭借其完善的管理体制优质的产品质量成功的成为首批通过该认证的企业之一,同时又获得了“中国质量承诺、诚信经营企业品牌”、“质量放心服务满意、值得信赖的品牌”,“消费者信得过商品”、“中外品牌”、“国家质量稳定合格产品”等荣誉。多年来,公司与松下、索尼、三星、三洋、凌阳、日立、飞利浦等国际企业建立了良好的合作关系。为良好的品质打下了坚实的基础。  “以人才求发展,以管理出效益,以服务得市场,以质量求生存”经过市场的不断洗礼和专业技术的日益进步,企业将以更真诚的服务,来答谢社会各界朋友的厚爱和支持!"  
我们坚信,你我的努力将会让明天更加辉煌! In the "China national mandatory product certification -3C" after the introduction, enterprise with its perfect management system, high-quality product quality successfully become the first through the certification of enterprises, at the same time, also won the "China's commitment to quality, integrity management enterprise brand", "quality assured service satisfaction, trusted brands", "consumer trustworthy product", "China famous brand", "national quality the stability of qualified product" and other honorary. Over the years, the company and Panasonic, Sony, Samsung, Sanyo, Sunplus, Hitachi, Philips and other international famous enterprises to establish a good relationship of cooperation. A solid foundation for good quality. "To talent development, to the management efficiency, to serve a market, to the quality of survival" after increasing market continues to baptism and professional technology, enterprises will be more sincere service, to thank the community of love and support of friends! "
企业名称: 深圳市裕兴电子有限公司 企业类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 广东/深圳 企业规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2000
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00